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Empowering Young Readers: The Lifelong Benefits of Respecting Children's Choices in Shared Reading

Empowering Young Readers: The Lifelong Benefits of Respecting Children's Choices in Shared Reading

There are several benefits to taking into account a child's preferences when reading aloud together.

Fosters a Love for Reading

Encourages a lifelong habit of reading by letting kids pick their own books at an early age. They are more likely to read actively and acquire a love of reading if the material is relevant to their interests.

Builds Confidence

Confidence and self-esteem can grow when kids are given opportunities to make decisions and then have those decisions acknowledged. Crucial to their growth is the belief that their thoughts and ideas are taken seriously and respected.

Supports Autonomy

Giving kids a say in how they spend their time fosters autonomy by giving them practice making their own decisions and giving them confidence in their own abilities. This independence is critical in many domains outside of reading as well.

Encourages Engagement

Children are more likely to be invested in a story they picked out themselves. They'll be more attentive, curious, and involved in what they're reading.

Enhances Learning

When kids are enthusiastic about what they're studying, they're more likely to take in and remember what they've learned. Because of this, reading becomes more instructive and useful.

Respects Individuality

Each kid has their own set of likes and dislikes. Recognizing the uniqueness and development of each person means respecting their decisions.

Promotes Reading as a Leisure Activity

If kids view reading as a chore or something they have to do for school, they may be less likely to read for fun on their own time. Reading is portrayed as a pleasurable pastime when students' preferences are taken into account.

Creates Positive Associations

If a youngster reads books that they appreciate, they will associate the books with good feelings. As a result, kids will be more likely to pick up a book during their free time as adults.

Develops Critical Thinking

Children who are given the freedom to make their own reading decisions benefit from the opportunity to exercise their critical thinking abilities as they analyze the merits of various titles.

The benefits of respecting a child's reading preferences extend far beyond the act of reading itself. It also helps kids create helpful habits and mindsets that can aid in their growth and learning for the rest of their lives.


The best 30 minutes you can spend with your kids is acknowledging and respecting their personal choices, turning them into tangible memories to cherish. So don't wait! Download Curated Tales for free on your iPad today and try out the first story for free too!

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