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Cultivating Success and Happiness: The Key Traits of a Child Engaged in Reading

Children who enjoy reading frequently display a number of defining traits and behaviors. Here are a few of them.


They frequently demonstrate a keen interest in a variety of subjects. This results from their exposure to a wide range of topics and circumstances in the books they read.


Young readers frequently possess a rich imagination. They frequently appear to be engrossed in their own world while gaining inspiration from the various tales and characters they have read about in their books.


Because they're accustomed to viewing the world from the perspectives of other characters, their comprehension and empathy are typically highly developed.


Due to the broad variety of terms kids have encountered through reading, they frequently have an advanced vocabulary for their age.


Because reading calls for a particular amount of concentrate, they may be more focused and have a longer attention span than their peers.

Academic Success

They frequently outperform their peers academically, particularly in the language arts because reading improves cognitive function and comprehension.They may be careful with books and have a sizable personal collection. They frequently hold books carefully as if they were valuable objects.

Book Care

They frequently have a book in their hands when they have free time, and they may favor reading over other pursuits. They might also show enthusiasm for going to bookstores or libraries.


Since reading exposes them to a variety of communication and storytelling methods, they may be more expressive in their written and spoken language use.

Critical Thinking

Because reading fosters a comprehension of cause and effect, problem-solving, and inference, they may exhibit advanced critical thinking abilities.

"My son has been using this app for a few months now and it has been a great help to boost creativity. He curated beautiful a few tales. We printed the books from the app with his name and photo on the cover. The books were great presents to our friends and family."  - John, Parent of a 5 year old


They might like doing so. This can involve repeating the stories they have read or writing original stories that are influenced by the various narratives they have come across.

However, keep in mind that each child is special. All of these characteristics won't be present in every youngster who enjoys reading, and that's alright. The most important factor is that kids are enjoying and learning from their reading.


The best 30 minutes you can spend with your kids is acknowledging and respecting their personal choices, turning them into tangible memories to cherish. So don't wait! Download Curated Tales for free on your iPad today and try out the first story for free too!

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  1. Visit the App Store on your iPad.

  2. Search for "Curated Tales."

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